Vision: Become a reference in institutional research and maintenance indicators in Brazil.

Mission: To support the university’s management and to enhance academic quality and dialogue with society, by defining strategies and criteria for the collection, analysis, processing, and ethical use of data.

On June 29, 2018, Administrative Rule GR No. 7256 established the EGIDA, which stands for the Institutional Research Office in Portuguese. The Office works on monitoring the institution’s academic performance, aiming to deepen the University’s self-awareness. It strives to perfect metrics for consistent data which assist in the maintenance of university life and also serves as a means to compare with national and international references. EGIDA commits itself to offer data that support a permanent and essential dialogue with society, considering the following attributions: orchestrating and publishing the USP Statistical Yearbook; maintaining of the Transparency Portal; acting as a bridge between the institution and the agencies responsible for the national and international academic rankings; as well as reviewing and enhancing  its indicators to assist the university’s management.


Profa. Dra. Fátima de Lourdes dos Santos Nunes  (Coordinator)
Profa. Dra. Raquel Assed Bezerra Segato  (Vice-coordinator)
André Serradas (Librarian)
César Augusto Rodrigues de Albuquerque (Administrative Analyst)
Jeferson Santiago de França (Trainee)
Joás Barbosa (Trainee)


A USP conta 247 pesquisadores na lista publicada pela editora Elsevier e elaborada por pesquisadores da Universidade Stanford (EUA) que classifica os cientistas mais influentes do mundo em suas respectivas áreas de atuação.
A USP ficou na 34ª posição mundial do inédito QS Sustainability Ranking, que avaliou mais de 1.300 instituições de ensino superior do mundo em relação ao que estão fazendo para enfrentar os principais problemas ambientais e sociais.